Buy American

Unlike several of our major competitors, we don’t need to Re-Shore our American manufacturing jobs, we never Off-Shored them.

Our longtime American workers at Gorman Machine Corp have over 200 years of cumulative experience.


Ken Gorman: Company founder, 63 years

Dan Gorman: President, 52 years

Jim Rozelle: Electronics Dept, 46 years

Michael Mann: Shuttle Dept & Sales, 47 years

Peter Bonaparte: Machine Shop, 33 years

Diane Gorman: Office, 15 years

Rosemary Basson: Sales, 15 years

Robby Gorman: Office, 15 years

Michael Basson: Shuttle Dept, 13 years

Stefanie Gorman: Office, 13 years

Linda Sabino: Machine Shop, 10 years

Claudia Plasse: Office, 10 years

Ludy Resendes: Office, 10 years

Contact Us for more information about any of our products.
